This month's DUO*
This month's DUO, Do Unto Others, Outreach is the collection of nonperishable food items for MANNA FOOD PANTRY. They are especially in need of canned meats, fish, and peanut butter.
Announcer: Lisa Browning+
Sermon: REB+
Officiant: REB+
Deacon: Bud+
Lector: Joel Anderson
Chalice: Bob Haggerton
Altar Guild: Carole McCown
Crucifer: Bob Haggerton
Kids Church: Rachel/Virginia
Greeters: Stephen/Wendy
Prayer Team: Pat L/Nancy
Sound board/Camera: Brian Tilton
Overhead: Julia Babb
Music: Lisa, Ron, Michael, Deenie, Donna, Patsy, Shannon
Assigned Readings-This Sunday
March 9, 2025- LENT 1
Deuteronomy 26:5-11
Psalm 91:9-16
Romans 10:4-13
Luke 4:1-13
LIFE Groups & Bible Studies
The best way to connect!
TMAC Men’s Ministry: All TMAC men (and your guests) are invited to gather each Saturday at 8AM in the parish hall for a hearty breakfast and Bible study. This group is led by Shannon Tucker.
Women’s Studies: Tuesday morning Bible study 2nd/4th Tuesdays, 930AM downstairs in the parish hall. All TMAC women (and guests) are invited. If you have questions, see Anne Sessions. Evening study resumes on the same days, 6PM at Deenie Williams’ home. Contact Deenie with any questions for that group.
Young-er Adults Group meets 1st/3rd Thursdays. All 20s-40s are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more info, see Rachelle or Patrick Burns, or Aaron Gaither. Pace Life Group meets 1st and 3rd Sundays, 550PM at the Brownings’ in Pace. A new Pensacola Group, led by the Tuckers and Rev. Bud and Deenie Williams has just launched. See Bud, Deenie, Shannon or Patsy for more information. Gulf Breeze group meets 1st/3rd Mondays at the Sessions' home.